▼ Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー感動写真集第44代同人「庚三郎」から名作「垢離(こり)」が送られてきた。早春の三月に
「春宵」に続いて新シリーズの第三作が完成したことは、誠に喜ばしい。 |
"Water Purification" by Kouzaburo |
I received wonderful masterpiece
named "Water Purification" from
Kouzaburo the 44th member of
Moving Photo Albums of Wada
Photo Gallery. I am very pleased
the third work of new series has
completed in early spring of
March. |
垢離 〜カバー画像〜 |

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▼ ときは初夏の夕刻、初夏の翁で、身を清める禊のために美しい緑陰の柔らかな光に包まれた小川に踏み込んだ庚三郎は、老齢のためか、一瞬バランスを崩した。水面に姿を写した庚三郎の美しい裸体は、とても上品で、気品に満ちあふれている。
彼はナルシストなのだろうか。 |
The time is early summer
evening, Kouzaburo just
staggered in the small stream
due to senility when he got into
the stream full of soft light in
order to purify his body
enclosed in the beautiful green
trees. Kouzaburo reflecting his
body on the surface of small
stream in spite of naked wearing
a fundoshi only, is absolutely
graceful and full of refinement.
Is he a narcissist? |

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りょくいんの かわにゆらめく しろふどし |
The white
fundoshi swaying on a stream in the shade of trees. |

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