Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー感動写真集第44代同人「庚三郎」から名作「錦秋(きんしゅう)」が送られてきた。春爛漫の四月に待ちに待った新シリーズの第四作が完成したことは、誠に喜ばしい。 |
"Splendid Autumn" by Kouzaburo |
I received wonderful masterpiece
named "Splendid Autumn" from
Kouzaburo the 44th member of
Moving Photo Albums of Wada
Photo Gallery. I'm very pleased
the long-awaited fourth work of
new series has completed in
spring of April at its height. |
錦秋 〜カバー画像〜 |

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▼ 秋爛漫の紅葉に魅了されて、水紋を描く川面に空中浮遊するかのようにつま先立った庚三郎翁の美しい裸体は、とても魅力的である。褌一丁の裸にもかかわらず、庚三郎はとても上品で、気品に満ちあふれている。この老人は、秋の魅力を全身で楽しもうとしているようだ。 |
The beautiful naked figure of
Kouzaburo the aged man is very
attractive, standing on tiptoe
above the river surface widening
rings on the water, as if he is
going to levitation inspired by
the colourful maple leaves in
autumn at its height. Kouzaburo,
in spite of naked wearing
fundoshi only, is absolutely
graceful and full of refinement.
This aged man looks like he is
to enjoy the charm of autumn
with his full body. |

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きんしゅうを おしむおきなや しろふどし |
The aged
man regrets the splendid autumn passing, the fundoshi remaining
white. |

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▲▼ 概して日本の男性は褌が良く似合う。とりわけ老人の越中褌姿は素晴らしい。この絵を見て、褌を締めて見たいと思う外国人も多いのではないかと思う。今では、通信販売で、日本製の良質な褌が手軽に入手できるようになった。日本の裸褌文化が世界中に広まることを願っている。 |
In general, Japanese men wearing
fundoshi suit very well.
Especially, aged men wearing
ettyu fundoshi are excellent. I
think many foreigners will want
to wear fundoshi when they look
this picture. Nowadays, fundoshi
made in Japan is easily
available by mail-order at
facebook. You can get Japanese
high quality fundoshi quickly by
airmail. I hope Japanese naked
fundoshi culture will come into
fashion throughout the world. |

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