伊達政宗愛用の兜は、弦月前立黒漆塗六十二間筋兜(げんげつまえだて・くろうるしぬり・ろくじゅうにけんすじかぶと)。鎧甲(よろいかぶと)の総重量は、約20kg。丸武産業製の薄い軽合金製なので、意外に重くない。往時の甲冑は40kgほどあったというから、重くて大変だっただろう。 |
Masamune DATE wearing the helmet with crescent moon |
I wore black helmet with long crescent moon and jinbaori the battle surcoat on black armor.
Total weight of the armor is about 20kg. This armor is made of thin light alloy so that not heavy unexpectedly. Real samurai armor at that time weighed about 40kg so that very heavy I suppose. |
兜を抱えた全身像 |
Hole figure with Masamune's helmet |
I dare glare at the enemy according to my director Shinpei
Takemura. |

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All black armor set
of Masamune DATE |
The helmet is fixed with string and tied under my chin so that my face look like a genial old man. |

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げんげつの くろかっちゅうや そらたかし |
High sky, wearing black armor of crescent moon. |
Masamune DATE the samurai commander of Sengoku Era carrying a long sword, wearing a suit of armor.

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Sword battle desperately to harden my heart.

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into Masamune DATE carrying a three-pronged spear, wearing a suit of armor. |

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三叉槍を持って構える戦国武将 |
Samurai commander setting up with a three-pronged spear. |

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目の下頬(めのしたぼお)を着けても予想外に呼吸は楽だった。ちなみに、アメリカのSF映画『スター・ウォーズ』に登場するダースベイダーの頭部は、兜と目の下頬を装着した戦国武将の風貌がヒントになっているという。中身は私と同じ坊主頭だった。 |
Samurai commander wearing face guard under the helmet |
The breathing under the face guard is very smooth unexpectedly.
They say that the head of Darth Vader of STAR WARS was produced imaging the figure of helmet and face guard of samurai commander. And his hair was buzz-cut like me. |
目の下頬(めのしたぼお)を着けた武将 (前姿) |
Samurai commander wearing face guard under the helmet (front view) |

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(横姿) |
Samurai commander wearing face guard under the helmet
(side view) |
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目の下頬を着けた武将 (接写) |
Samurai commander wearing face guard under the helmet (zoomed up view) |
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長い弦月(げんげつ)の前立(まえだて)がとても美しく、素晴らしかったので、初回は伊達政宗愛用の甲冑を選んだ。次回は赤い甲冑で統一した赤備えで有名な真田幸村の甲冑を赤褌を締めて挑戦する予定なので、乞うご期待! |
Memorial portraits of samurai commander in front of the plain background |
I like the gold crescent moon of Masamune's helmet so that I chose this armor set for the first time.
I would like to wear red armor of Yukimura Sanada wearing red rokusyaku fundoshi next time. All soldiers of Yukimura's strong army wore red armor so that very famous as Akazonae the Red Army at that time. Don't miss it next time! |
厳しい表情の戦国武将 |
Samurai commander of stern look |

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笑う戦国武将 |
Samurai commander laughing |

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弦月前立兜を被った戦国武将・伊達政宗に変身! |
Embodiment of the samurai commander Masamune DATE wearing the helmet with crescent moon! |

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目弦月前立兜(げんげつまえだてかぶと)と目の下頬(めのしたぼお)を着装した戦国武将・伊達政宗 |
The samurai commander Masamune DATE wearing his helmet with crescent moon and face guard. |

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落合左平次道次背旗 / 東京大学史料編纂所 16世紀 |
▼ この旗は、初め徳川家康に仕え、のちその子紀州藩主頼宣に仕えた武将落合左平次道次(?〜1620)が合戦の時に自らの存在を顕示するため背中にくくりつけた指物。
この旗が示すように、戦国時代の武士は、前袋式六尺褌を着用していた。 |
Flag design of fundoshi samurai in 16 century |
This flag was owned by samurai commander Michitsugu Saheiji Ochiai to show his appearance in the battle field on his back. The real flag is collected at Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo.
The fundoshi samurai of this flag was a warrior working for Nobunaga Oda side named Suneemon Torii who became a prisoner of war by Takeda Army in the famous Battle of Nagashino and was crucified to death.
This shows that samurai wears rokushaku fundoshi double fastened long type in the battle field. |
落合左平次道次背旗 / 東京大学史料編纂所 16世紀 |
Flag design of fundoshi samurai in 16 century |

▼ 切腹は、武士の名誉ある死刑で、近世に入ると、白衣を着て行われるのが正式となったが、今回、切腹のやり方に詳しい竹村ディレクターの指示に従って、褌一丁で体験してみた。
最近では、作家・三島由紀夫が1970年11月25日陸上自衛隊市ヶ谷駐屯地にて憲法改正のため自衛隊の決起(クーデター)を呼びかけた後、割腹し、盟友の森田必勝に首を切り落とされた三島事件がある。 |
Experience of Seppuku
(harakiri) |
Seppuku is an honorable death sentence only for samurai. Seppuku is taken place wearing fundoshi and white kimono in the early modern period. This time, I imitated seppuku wearing fundoshi only in accordance with director Takemura who knows how to.
It is well known in Japan that famous novelist Yukiko Mishima
committed seppuku at Ichigaya Camp of Self
Defense Force on November 25, 1970 after addressing SDF
personnel to cause a coup d'etat for amendment of the Constitution. His head was cut down with long
sword by his sworn friend. |
小刀を持つ侍 |
Samurai holing a short sword. |

畳の上で上下を逆にした小刀を右手に持つ (前姿) |
Holding a short sword upside down in right hand on tatami the straw mat. (front view) |
(後姿) |
Holding a short sword upside down in right hand on tatami the straw mat.
(back view) |
Seppuku suicide sits down on his heels with the sword on the left side.

Suicide draws the sword upside down by right hand.

Suicide pierces the sword vertically into lower abdomen. |

Suicide pierces the sword vertically into lower abdomen.

Suicide turns the sword blade to the right in the abdomen.

Suicide cleaves the abdomen horizontally toward the right side. Then suicide assistant cuts suicide's head down with a long sword to save him from the pain. |
