Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー  Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー  






今 日

昨 日





白褌の冬至水行八人衆  北舟

Eight men for winter solstice ablution
wearing white fundoshi loincloth.



2014年の日記 12
wadapho.jp 内検索  

■■■     年末のご挨拶 ■■■
徒然日記 12月 http://wadaphoto.jp/nikki.htm#29
フェイスブック https://www.facebook.com/yoshio.wada.12?ref=tn_tnmn
どうかご自愛の上、お元気でロマンと感動の新年をお迎え下さい。〈 拝 〉
■== Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー url: http://wadaphoto.jp/ ==■
■== mail: master@wadaphoto.jp ==■
□== 和田義男 ==============================================□

■■■     フェイスブックで裸褌文化を紹介 ■■■
 'Kite-flying Wearing Akafun'
My facebook friend sent me this funny New Year's card on New Year's Day of 2014. In spite of winter, this stout man is naked wearing akafun the red fundoshi and a straw hat on his head, enjoying to fly a kite shaped like a yakko the ancient footman.
I'm sorry I could not remember who sent me, but he must be living in warm southern province and fully enjoying fundoshi life.
The time to prepare New Year's cards coming soon. I already bought blank post cards printable the high quality pictures. I'm thinking about how the contents gladden the recipients.
Kite-flying Wearing Akafun

Kite-flying Wearing Akafun


'Strict Father' by Kouzaburo
Today, I received wonderful masterpiece named "Strict Father" from Kouzaburo. I am very pleased the long-awaited first wark of new series has completed now when northern provinces begin to prepare for winter.
Strict Father having a katana in his hand is a phantom? suddenly appeared in the snow fluttering forest. It was extremely impressive, I was lost for words.
The words of Hagakure spirits 'Bushido is the way of death.' suddenly run through my mind. Once Inazo Nitobe explained in his book 'Bushido: The Soul of Japan' that it is a gospel meaning 'Never give up as long as you live'. Samurai goes his way. Let it go. Painter: Kouzaburo Editor: Yoshio Wada

「武士道とは死ぬことと見つけたり」という葉隠れの精神が頭をよぎった。かつて新渡戸稲造は、その著書「武士道」で「死ぬ気で頑張れ」という福音だと説いた。武士は、ありのままに我が道を行く。 庚三郎 画 和田義男 編
'Strict Father' by Kouzaburo

'Strict Father' by Kouzaburo


A Good-natured Old Man
My FB friend Mr. Hajime Sasaki is a good-natured old man of 63 years old. He has been wearing fundoshi as his underwear for about 40 years. He has no briefs or trunks at all like me. He wears rokusyaku fundoshi for kimono, otherwise ettyu fundoshi as his underwear.
He is very shy so that he painted his own portraits as follows. He sent me a photo of his fundoshi figure taken by his grandson in the occasion of taking a bath in his house. The cartoonish portrait resembles himself so that you can understand he is a typical Japanese gentleman long-bodied and short-legged. I hope his portrait photo will be open to the public in the near future.
Sasaki 様 先ほど、似顔絵をお借りして海外に紹介させて頂きました。近い将来、ご尊顔を開陳して頂けることを祈念しております。益々お元気で褌ライフをお楽しみ下さい。有り難うございました。〈 拝 〉
A Good-natured Old Man

A Good-natured Old Man

A Japanese Who Likes Fundoshi Best
Let me introduce Mr. Saizi Watanabe who likes fundoshi best. He makes it a rule to wear ettyu fundoshi as his casual underwear.
The photo wearing ettyu fundoshi to hang out his wet fundoshi of washing to dry at courtyard of his house reminds me of the good old days in the rural village of Japan. 
Wearing white rokusyaku fndoshi at a riverside in the occasion of swimming in summer.

Wearing white rokusyaku fndoshi at a riverside in the occasion of swimming in summer.


Wearing ettyu fundoshi, hanging out wet fundoshi of washing to dry at the courtyard of his house.

Wearing ettyu fundoshi, hanging out wet fundoshi of washing to dry at the courtyard of his house.


My fundoshi figure
I joined shore water purification ritual of Mituke-Tenjin Naked Festival on September 11 2013 for the first time in the recent five years. I bathed in the sea wave naked wearing Japanese traditional fundoshi loincloth, praying for world peace, good health and prosperity. It was cool and exciting for me and unforgettable experience. I will continue to join this ritual bathing in the sea every year as the head of Wada Group.
This rokusyaku fundoshi has been used for swimming since Edo era. I feel fundoshi as an identity of Japanese samurai.
I'm going to give a lecture concerning Japanese Naked Festival at Siroyama Junior High School of Iwata City for 500 first graders and their parents on December 13 2013 in accrdance with the invitation of the preservation society for Mitsuke-Tenjin Naked Festival. It is my great honor and pleasure to meet them who join Mitsuke Tenjin Naked Festival.
Photo by Mr. Yoichi Fukuyo of the preservation society for Mitsuke-Tenjin Naked Festival, Iwata City Shizuoka Prefecture Japan.
Mituke-Tenjin Naked Festival
Nation-designated important intangible folk cultural asset
Yanahime Tenjin Shrine
Mituke, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka, Japan
8-15 September 2013
Photo by Yoshio Wada
My fundoshi figure

My fundoshi figure


'Kinds of popular fundoshi'
I made a photo showing the kinds of popular fundoshi for my foreign friends. Ettyu fundoshi is mainly for casual underwear, but sometimes used as an uniform of naked festival such as water purification etc.. kuroneko and mokko fundoshi is for casual underwear. Rokusyaku fundoshi short type is also for casual wear, but rokusyaku fundoshi short or long type is mainly used for swimming or traditional festivals.
Why not wear fundoshi for your casual underwear?
Let me introduce my friend Mr. Dobashi selling his hand-made fundoshi. You can buy your favorite fundoshi in English. Please contact him at any time. ://www.facebook.com/pages/
Photo parts by
たぬき堂 http://www.tanukidou.com/index.html 
Kinds of popular fundoshi

Kinds of popular fundoshi


'How to wear ettyu fundoshi'
I made a photo how to wear ettyu fundoshi for my foreign friends. Ettyu fundoshi is most popular in Japan. It is very easy to wear. The apron covers and protects your crotch. I recommend you to wear as your casual underwear. It is cool and healthy. Someone may feel sexy.
I have been wearing white ettyu fundoshi for around 50 years. Ettyu is mainly made of cotton, costs less than 10 US dollars including airmail postage.
Why not wear ettyu?
I introduce normal way to wear ettyu fundoshi at Youtube, but video is too long. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vOPADAohMc
How to wear ettyu fundoshi

How to wear ettyu fundoshi

'How to wear kuroneko fundoshi'
I made a photo how to wear kuroneko fundoshi for my foreign friends. Kuroneko fundoshi is cool and healthy and easy to wear so that I recommend to use as a casual underwear. Someone may feel sexy.
I introduce how to wear kuroneko fundoshi at Youtube. You can ajust kuroneko by cutting the waist-cord.
How to wear kuroneko fundoshi

How to wear kuroneko fundoshi

'How to wear mokko fundoshi (squre fundoshi)'
I made a photo how to wear mokko fundoshi for my foreign friends. Mokko fundoshi looks like ettyu fundoshi without apron. How to wear mokko fundoshi is very easy by tieing the waiste-cord in a bow on your body side. I recommend you to wear as your casual underwear. It is cool and healthy. Someone may feel sexy.
I introduce how to wear mokko fundoshi at Youtube, This video is for ladies.
How to wear mokko fundoshi (squre fundoshi)

How to wear mokko fundoshi (squre fundoshi)

'How to wear rokusyaku fundoshi long type'
I made a photo how to wear rokusyaku fundoshi for my foreign friends. This rokusyaku fundoshi is long type, double fasten, mainly used for swiming or festival. This is tight so that I do not recommend to use as a casual underwear.
I introduce how to wear rokusyaku fundoshi at Youtube.
(A) Rokusyaku fundoshi long type, double fasten mainly for swiming or festival
1 Normal and perfect, I recommend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8o8_JBY47Ww
2 Normal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqnYmNgHeEg
3 Twisted, but too much twist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJrpfqgyGjo
(B) Rokusyaku fundoshi short type, single fasten, mainly for casual underwear. Someone may feel sexy. The apron covers and protects your crotch.
Normal but a little lower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--BcDOL6GLg 
How to wear rokusyaku fundoshi long type

How to wear rokusyaku fundoshi long type

'Mr. Syojiro Yamasaki wearing mawashi the sumo fundoshi'
My facebook friend Mr. Syojiro Yamasaki living in Yokohama City is a reader of sumo at the ring. He looks better in kimono. He wear fundosi as underwear like me. https://www.facebook.com/kun.knikuma
Mr. Syojiro Yamasaki wearing mawashi the sumo fundoshi

Mr. Syojiro Yamasaki wearing mawashi the sumo fundoshi

紺まわしの筆者 Wearing dark blue mawashi (sumo fundoshi loincloth)
Japanese traditional naked fundoshi culture
I am not gay. I only love Japanese traditional naked fundoshi culture. I like naked festivals wearing fundoshi loincloth as the uniform. The naked festivals or rituals are held all the year round throughout Japan. I'd like to take these photos and introduce to the world.
I like fundoshi loincloth especially ettyu fundoshi. I have been wearing ettyu for around a half century since a doctor recommended to wear it when I was suffering from eczema of my crotch. It is cool and healthy in the hot and humid country like Japan.
Japanese men at Edo era work outside naked wearing fundoshi only in the hot humid days. It was not shameful. It was Japanese original culture. Naked festivals wearing fundoshi only are not shameful even today. It was a rule to Japanese soldiers to wear etthu fundoshi as a healthy underwear all the time until the end of the world war II.
I will accept messages and photos of fundoshi lovers of all foreigners. However, I will not accept love calls from gay people. Please do not send messages such as 'handsome dad' 'I love you' 'Sex me' and so forth. I feel unpleasant to receive men's full nude pictures. Best regards, thank you. 
Wearing dark blue mawashi (sumo fundoshi loincloth)

Wearing dark blue mawashi (sumo fundoshi loincloth)

'Playing in a clear stream'
My facebook friend Mr. Makoto Komatsu sent me several pictures named 'Playing in a clear stream'.
Once, famous photographer Ken Domon vividly cut off the scenery of naked children playing in a clear stream wearing fundoshi only in his photo 'Children Spearing Sweetfish at Izu'. My friend must be thinking the days long past, putting himself in the cold water of Tama River like these children playing in the photo.
Makoto Komatsu's page: https://www.facebook.com/makoto.komatsu.357

我がFacebookフレンド Makoto Komatsu さんから「清流に遊ぶ」と題する数枚の写真をお送りいただいた。
Playing in a clear stream

Playing in a clear stream


'Children Spearing Sweetfish at Izu' by famous photographer Ken Domon 1936 AD
At that time, in summer season, we are naked wearing suikon the swimming fundoshi when enjoying at sea or river. These boys on the photo must be wearing akafun the red fundoshi because of black color.
鮎突く子ら 土門拳

鮎突く子ら 土門拳

'Mother Sea'
My facebook friend Mr. Makoto Komatsu sent me forth photo named 'Mother Sea' so that I could finish this tetralogy of back view in the sea. His back changes expression every time. This work is most manly and vigorous I like. The ocean surrounding our land brings us, benefits and accept everything. Looking at sea, We can live in the present as it is. Let it go.
我がFacebookフレンド Makoto Komatsu さんから「母なる海」と題する作品が届き、これで海の後ろ姿4部作が完結した。彼の背中は、毎回、表情を変える。この作品が最も男らしく逞しい。大地を取り囲む海は、恵みをもたらし、育み、そして全てを受け入れてくれる。これからも海を見つめて今を生きよう、ありのままに。
Mother Sea

Mother Sea


The third photo 'Tetrapods' has arrived now from My facebook friend Mr. Makoto Komatsu living seaside town. He likes sea very much so that he has been playing at seashore since childfood. These artifical structures were set to preserve beautiful sand beach, assimilating the senery of the sea. He must gets the warm from his hands. https://www.facebook.com/makoto.komatsu.357
我がFacebookフレンド Makoto Komatsu さんから「テトラポッド」と題する作品が到着した。彼は海辺に住んでおり、海が大好きで、幼き頃より海に遊んだという。この人工工作物は、美しい砂浜を守るためのもの。すっかり、海の風景に同化し、その温もりが伝わってくる。


'Mr. Jirou Dobashi swimming fastened rokushaku fundoshi at beach'
Good fundoshi looking! I hear my facebook friend Jirou is making and selling various kind of fundoshi, I'm rooting for him. His shop is http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/a6s5t4sacsu4wrg4au64bkcgi4/ He can send them to foreign countries via air mail using paypal. Foreigner's order is acceptable at https://www.facebook.com/pages/%E8%A4%8C%E5%B7%A5%E6%88%BF%E3%81%95%E3%81%A3%E3%81%BD%E3%82%8D/843085202389181?pnref=story.
Mr.Jirou Dobashi's page is https://www.facebook.com/jirou.dobashi?fref=tl_fr_box&pnref=lhc.friends.

Mr. Jirou Dobashi swimming fastened rokushaku fundoshi at beach

Mr. Jirou Dobashi swimming fastened rokushaku fundoshi at beach


'Waterfall Purification Asceticism by Ordinary Citizen'
Waterfall purification in the morning haze of a deep mountain valley.
by Hokusyu Wada
An ascetic trial lesson was held at Ayahiro Waterfall, Busyu-mitake shrine, Mitake Mountain, Ohme City Tokyo,
Japan on September 6-7, 2008. I stayed with 22 perticipants and got to know the eldest trainee Mr. Sakon Haba 74
years old joinning for the fifth time.

朝靄の深山幽谷滝禊   北舟
武州御嶽山滝行 http://wadaphoto.jp/maturi/ayahiro1.htm
東京都青梅市御岳山 武州御岳神社(金井國俊宮司 67歳) 綾広の滝

Waterfall Purification Asceticism by Ordinary Citizen

Waterfall Purification Asceticism by Ordinary Citizen


Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest 2



'Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest'
Ajari priest of white loincloth, fired up in the waterfall purification.
by Hokusyu Wada
Mr. Sojiro Kobayashi is a high priest 'Ajari' of Shingon Syu Koyasan Buddhism. In particular he has a great
knowledge about Tibet Buddhism so that he teaches foreigners about esoteric Buddhism in English. I was astonished
when he suddenly chant Heart Sutra in English in the middle of a conversation.
When I asked him why you joined Shinto asceticism, he explained that Japan has a long history of syncretism of
Shinto and Buddhism and there are no barriers in his Shingon Syu Buddhism.
Ayahiro Waterfall, Busyu-mitake shrine, Mitake Mountain Ohme City Tokyo, Japan
September 6-7, 2008 Photo by Yoshio WADA

高野山真言宗・阿闍梨(あじゃり)の小林宗次郎さんは、法名(ほうみょう)を小林宗峰といい、まんだらや密教研究所 を主宰して
白褌の阿闍梨の気迫滝禊  北舟
武州御嶽山滝行 http://wadaphoto.jp/maturi/ayahiro1.htm
東京都青梅市御岳山 武州御岳神社(金井國俊宮司 67歳) 綾広の滝
Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest

Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest


Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest 2
He is slim and no superfluous flesh as the result of severe asceticism.

Waterfall Purification Asceticism by High Priest 2


'Kuya Waterfall Purification Training at Atago Mountain, Kyoto'
Today, my facebook friend Mr. Jirou Dobashi sent me his pictures engaging in Kuya Waterfall Purification Training halfway up Atago Mountain, Kyoto City Japan on March 20, 2010 when he was living in Kyoto.
This waterfall 12 meters high locating on the mountainside going up more than 1 hour along Kiyotaki River from Kiyotaki car park at the foot of the mountain is known as the old place where the virtuous Buddhist priest Kuya
engaged in ascetic practices and a training hall for ascetics is standing nearby.
He went there with his friends and practiced twice so that his body was chilled to the bone when changing his clothes
shiveringly. No one could repress being touched to see these photos of freezing cold waterfall purification, though it was done in the eraly spring of March. November 25, 2014

った写真が届いた。 この滝は、麓の清滝駐車場から清滝川に沿った登山道を1時間余りのぼったところにある落差12mの瀧で、空也上人(903-972)修行の故地として知られ、近くに行者たちの道場がある。
いえ、まだ早春の凍てつく滝修行を見れば、誰もが感動を禁じ得ないだろう。 2014年11月25日
Kuya Waterfall Purification Training at Atago Mountain, Kyoto

Kuya Waterfall Purification Training at Atago Mountain, Kyoto



Kuya Waterfall Purification Training at Atago Mountain, Kyoto 2

'Daijoin Temple Waterfall Purification'
Today, my facebook friend Mr.Tamao Nagasawa sent me his wonderful photos of waterfall purification training at Daijoin temple locating Odawara City Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. His figure standing under the fall looks manly and mysterious, givining off a special aura.
Waterfall purification has been conducting from ancient times as one of strict ascetic practices mainly performed by yamabushi the mountain priests in order to get self release, rebirth and a sense of unity with nature. Even today, normal citizens can join the training easily under professional priests. November 21, 2014 Daijoin Temple: http://daijouin.jp/taki
本日、我がFacebookフレンド Tamao Nagasawa さんから神奈川県小田原市に位置する峰樹山大乗院で行われた滝行の素晴らしい写真が届いた。滝に打たれる姿は、男らしく、神秘的で、オーラを放っているように感じる。
峰樹山 大乗院 〒250-0215 神奈川県小田原市千代424 TEL 0465-42-6161 FAX 0465-42-1118
Daijoin Temple Waterfall Purification

Daijoin Temple Waterfall Purification



Daijoin Temple Waterfall Purification 2

'Aged Gentleman Looking Very Good in Kimono'
Today, I uploaded several pictures of my facebook friend Mr. Takezo Kawahara who is an aged gentleman looking very good in kimono. The photo 'Relaxation' is superb among them. Fundoshi is the most suitable underwear to wear a kimono even today.
I editted these pictures extracted from his page in order to introduce the attractive figures of this tipical Japanese aged man to the world. I really appreceate him.
Aged Gentleman Looking Very Good in Kimono

Aged Gentleman Looking Very Good in Kimono


'Digital Photographer Yoshio Wada of white fundoshi contained in the CD.
Digital Photographer Yoshio Wada of white fundoshi

Digital Photographer Yoshio Wada of white fundoshi


'I Joined Mitsuke-Tenjin Naked Festival!'
Gotaisai the main festival, Nation-designated important intangible folk cultural asset, Yanahime Tenjin Shrine,Mituke, Iwata-shi, Shizuoka, Japan August 30-31, 2014 Photo by Yoichi Fukuyo
「見付天神裸祭に参加!」 御大祭 -国指定重要無形民俗文化財- 矢奈比賣天神社 静岡県磐田市見付 2014829-30日 撮影:福代陽一
I Joined Mitsuke-Tenjin Naked Festival!

I Joined Mitsuke-Tenjin Naked Festival!


■■■     Facebook フレンズ3100人! ■■■

My Facebook friends reached to 3100 persons! It took 14 days to gain 100 from 3000 to 3100.

▼ 平成24年(2012)2月5日に世界最大のSNS / Social Networking Service として知られるフェイスブックを始めて約35ヵ月となったが、平成26年(2014)12月28日、Facebook フレンズ(FBフレンズ)が3100人となった。
 フォロワーが1099いるので、私の Facebook の更新は、3100+1099=4199人に連絡される。依然として、申込者がコンスタントにあり、私のページが注目されていることが伺える。毎日、一度に何人も相手にチャットを楽しむ時間が私の日課の一つになってしまった が、しんどいときもある。( 笑 ) しかし、申請者の立場に立ち、できる限りの応対をしてゆきたい。これからどこまで延びるか未知の分野だが、来年が楽しみだ。〈 拝 〉

Facebook フレンズ 3100人!

Facebook フレンズ 3100人!


■■■     「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフー・プロフェッショナル店」を開店! ■■■
  ▼ クリスマスイヴの本日、Wa☆Daフォトギャラリーでは、「本店」「ストアーズ店」「ヤフー1号店」「ヤフオク店」「ヤフー2号店」に続き、第6店目となる「ヤフー店」 http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/wada-photo/ を開店し、「CD・DVD写真集(裸祭写真集・海外写真集)」52種の販売を開始した。  
  ヤフーショッピングに開店した4番目・最後の「ヤフー店」は、本格的なプロフェッショナル出店で各種クレジットコンビニ決済銀行振込など、ヤフー・ジャパンが用意したあらゆる支払い方法に対応したヤフーショッピングにおける最高峰の出店で、株式会社などと肩を並べるWa☆Daフォトギャラリー店である。2号店 の wadaphoto 同様、wada-photo という立派なストアアカウントを頂いたことは、とても光栄である。手数料や送料は、全て無料とし、開店記念として5%のTポイントを付与することにした。
 今後、更に研鑽を積み、プロの出店として恥ずかしくない品質とサービスを提供してゆきたい。どうかご支援のほど宜しくお願い申し上げたい。〈 拝 〉













■■■     「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフー2号店」開店! ■■■
  ▼ このたび、Wa☆Daフォトギャラリーでは、「本店」「ストアーズ店」「ヤフー1号店」 「ヤフオク店」に続き、「ヤフー2号店」を開店し、「CD・DVD祭写真集」49種の販売を開始した。  
   「ヤフー1号店」は、個人出店なので、クレジット払いがビザとマスターカードのみで、「Yahoo!ショッピングあんしん取引」が適用される。このたびの「ヤフー2号店」は、 ライト出店という位置づけで、「Yahoo!ショッピングあんしん取引」が適用されるのは、1号店と変わらず、クレジット払いがJCBなど3種類が追加され、合計ビザなど5種類のクレジット会社が使えるようになった。  
    また、URLは、1号店のように長たらしいものではなく、http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/wadaphoto/ という立派なURLをいただいた。( 笑 )出店のカテゴリーは、「電子書籍」「写真集」という正規の場所にした。1号店は、「和装下着」「褌(ふんどし)」というカテゴリーに置いており、客筋を違えている。  



■■■     「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフオク店」開店! ■■■
  ▼ このたび、Wa☆Daフォトギャラリーでは、「本店」「ストアーズ店」「ヤフー1号店」に続き、「ヤフオク店」を開店し、「CD・DVD写真集 (裸祭写真集・海外写真集)」52種の販売を開始した。
 オークションなので、値下げ交渉も可としており、最初の取引は、500円引きで落札した。それぞれの店には、それぞれの特徴がある。「ヤフオク店」を「ふんどし」のカテゴリーに置いたのは、褌を買いに来たお客さんに、ついでに買ってもらえばという単純な発想である。( 笑 )
「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフオク店」  http://sellinglist.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/user/wadahokusyu?ei=UTF-8&n=20&slider=0&b=41





■■■     Facebook フレンズ3000人! ■■■

My Facebook friends reached to 3000 persons! It took 19 days to gain 100 from 2900 to 3000.

▼ 平成24年(2012)2月5日に世界最大のSNS / Social Networking Service として知られるフェイスブックを始めて約35ヵ月となったが、平成26年(2014)12月14日、Facebook フレンズ(FBフレンズ)が3000人となった。
 フォロワーが1086いるので、私の Facebook の更新は、3000+1086=4086人に連絡される。依然として、申込者がコンスタントにあり、私のページが注目されていることが伺える。毎日、一度に何人も相手にチャットを楽しむ時間が私の日課の一つになってしまった が、しんどいときもある。( 笑 ) しかし、申請者の立場に立ち、できる限りの応対をしてゆきたい。これからどこまで延びるか未知の分野だが、来年が楽しみだ。〈 拝 〉

Facebook フレンズ 3000人!

Facebook フレンズ 3000人!


■■■     「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフー1号店」開店! ■■■
  ▼ このたび、Wa☆Daフォトギャラリーでは、「本店」「ストアーズ店」に続き、ヤフー会員(入会・年会費:無料)専用のYAHOO!ショッピングに「個人店」の「ヤフー1号店」を開店し、「CD・DVD祭写真集」49種の販売を開始した。
「Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー・ヤフー1号店(個人店)」  http://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/3mkcqntbuew7c7okatbma2jgp4/
 会員IDをお持ちでない方は、ストアーズ店 https://wadaphoto.stores.jp/#!/ をご利用頂きたい。クレジット払いのほか、コンビニ決済(手数料無料)、銀行振込(ゆうちょ銀行間のATM振込のみ無料)が可能である。
 Wa☆Daフォトギャラリー本店 http://wadaphoto.jp/maturicd.htm では、4枚目からリピーター割引(1枚500円引き)が適用される。枚数の多い方は、そちらを利用頂きたい。ただし、銀行振込のみの取り扱いとなる。
今後、ライト店(2号店)、プロフェッショナル店(3号店)、ヤフオク店も開店してゆこうと考え、既に2・3号店の開店許可を得た。これから一つずつ構築して行きたく、どうかご支援のほど宜しくお願い申し上げる。 〈 拝 〉










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