Facebook friends reached to 2900 persons! It took only 12 days to gain 100
from 2800 to 2900.
▼ 平成24年(2012)2月5日に世界最大のSNS / Social Networking Service として知られるフェイスブックを始めて約33ヵ月となったが、平成26年(2014)11月11日、Facebook フレンズ(FBフレンズ)が2800人となった。100人になるまで23日、200人まで更に20日、300人まで18日、400人まで19日、500人まで14日、600人まで9日、700人まで15日、800人まで37日、900人まで58日、1000人まで26日、1100人まで26日、1200人まで30日、1300人まで23日、1400人まで13日、1500人まで15日、1600人まで37日、1700人まで28日、1800人まで16日、1900人まで21日、2000人まで45日、2100人まで45日、2200人まで117日、2300人まで101日、2400人まで21日、2500人まで25日、2600人まで40日、2700人まで26日、2800人まで14日、そして2900人まで12日かかった。 フォロワーが1038いるので、私の Facebook の更新は、2900+1038=3938人に連絡される。依然として、申込者がコンスタントにあり、私のページが注目されていることが伺える。たった12日で100人増加した。これまでの最速は9日、その次が13日なので、過去2番目の速さを1日更新した。
しかし、申請者のサイトを見て、公然猥褻物陳列罪に当たりそうな写真などゲイの公序良俗に触れる写真をアップしている人は受け付けない。また、私の裸祭の写真にゲイの興味本位の書き込みがあった場合は、即座に友達を取り消し、ブロックして私のページにアクセスできなくなる極刑を科している。ブロックした人は、93人に達した。この100人アップの間に33人ブロック者が増えたことになる。私の裸褌サイトは、ゲイに標的になっていることが分かる。そうかといって、いまさら店をたたむわけにはいかない。どこまでやれるか、Going My Way! だ。
Why not join us to the Cold Water Purification
at Teppozu-Inari Shrine on
Sunday 11th January 2015 in downtown Tokyo Japan? Please send me a mail to
for more information.
「武士道とは死ぬことと見つけたり」という葉隠れの精神が頭をよぎった。かつて新渡戸稲造は、その著書「武士道」で、死ぬ気で頑張れという福音だと説いた。 武士は、ありのままに我が道を行く。 2014.11.19 庚三郎 画 和田義男 編"Strict Father" by Kouzaburo
Today, I received wonderful masterpiece named "Strict Father" from Kouzaburo. I am very pleased the long-awaited first work of new series has completed now when northern provinces begin to prepare for winter.
Strict Father having a katana in his hand is a phantom? Suddenly appeared in the snow fluttering forest. It was
extremely impressive, I was lost for words.
The words of Hagakure spirits 'Bushido is the way of death.' suddenly run through my mind. Once Inazo Nitobe explained in his book 'Bushido: The Soul of Japan' that it is a gospel meaning 'Never give up as long as you live'. Samurai goes his way. Let it go.
November 19, 2014 Painter: Kouzaburo Editor: Yoshio Wada
This time, Kouzaburo who was acquainted through internet, sent me a masterpiece "Round window" that his outstanding talent was condensed, so that I got a honor to send it to the world from my site.
When I saw the picture of the old man of ettyu fundoshi to take off juban beside of this circle window, I learned my heart fluttering. What a pure and beautiful old man with dignity he is! Someone would feel eroticism, but it also would be great.
I wish I could be this cool and beautiful man in the future. I hope many persons throughout the world will share Kouzaburo's artistic conception and my palpitation.
As I got Kouzaburo's approval already, everybody can share and copy the picture at any time without any cost and share the wonderful romanticism and deep impression of Japan's naked fundosh culture so that this picture will shine beyond time and space, having eternal life.
Finally, I appreciate Kouzaburo's kindness, thank you again. October 31, 2014 Autumn deepening Ohme City Tokyo, Editor: Yoshio Wada
It is wonderful and most honorable for us that Japan is enjoying the longest lifespan throughout the world. There are a large number of aged persons who are enjoying more beautiful figure than ever. And, there are many beautiful old men due to getting old.
His standing figure having a gentle and commanding air, emerges high intelligence, noble character and virtue cultivated through his long experiences. This picture is a hommage imaging Japanese old man who owns Japanese original manner.
I checked this picture again when Mr. Wada asked me to open my work to the worldwide public. I felt very comfortable imaging that my picture will alive beyond the time and space and my thinking on my work will also alive giving impressions to many viewers around the world. In this reason, I decided to open to the public.
I received Kozaburo's second work "Stream" this morning. His first work "Round window!" created a sensation. I awaked perfectly seeing this second picture. The aged man with white hair and mustache naked with a fundoshi loincloth enjoying cherry blossoms calm and peace out of the sorrow of old age.
He accepts his present situation of being old, enjoying long life calmly before his passing away. He is spreading old beauty like a dream. According to the author, this aged man has been called venerable Kouzaburo before one knows. This second work must create a sensation moreover.
Today, I received "White egret" the third masterpiece of Kouzaburo so that the trilogy of "The graceful Japanese aged man" has happily completed. The title "White egret" must be named from the birds painted on the folding screen.
I felt a slight chill crept up my spine when I knew that this refined and dignified man just averted his gaze from me. The aged body wearing only white fundoshi and half-covered Juban is really fulgent producing holy man's atmosphere.
Everybody would fall in love with Venerable Kouzaburo at first sight. Everybody aspires to be healthy and graceful despite his age, so I will try to get old like Venerable Kouozaburo the aged gracefulness.
November 3, 2014