参籠報告祭を前にやや緊張気味の行修者 18:21
Gyoushusha are a little bit tense before a ceremony.

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今年の行修者4人は、左から「別当」高橋駿さん(24歳 公務員)、「稲荷」目時基史さん(24歳 会社員)、「山の神」二井田真一さん(17歳
高校生)。前回2014年で紹介したとき「山の神」を務めた高橋さんが今回は4年目の行修者として別当を務める。 |
this year's four Gyousyusya the
ascetics, from the left, Mr. Syun Takashi 24y/o serves as Betto, Mr.Motofumi Metoki 24y/o serves as Inari, Mr.Sinichi Niida 17y/o serves as Ooyamazumi-no-Kami, Mr.Yukiyasu Kato 17y/o
a high school student serves as Benzaiten.
When I reported 2 years ago, Mr. Takahashi
served as Ooyamazumi-no-Kami. He finally plays a role as Betto because this is the fourth year since he started as a Gyoushusha.
Gyoushusha the Ascetics for this year
公務員) 「稲荷」目時基史(24歳
会社員) 「山の神」二井田真一(17歳
高校生) 「弁財天」加藤之康(17歳 高校生)

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4人の行修者は、これから1月15日の海中みそぎまで、佐女川神社拝殿に寝泊まりし、昼夜の別なく何度も水ごりを行う。 |
seclude in Haiden the hall of worship and very often purify their body day and night from now to January
参籠を報告する行修者 18:25
Gyoushusha report to Kami that they are going to start
secluding at the Shrine 18:25

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四人の行修者は、褌一丁の裸形で、白い布頭巾を被り、草履を履く。口には、吐錠(とじょう)と呼ばれる白布を銜(くわ)えている。「オマニシ クギタ」の勇壮な太鼓の響きとともに、拝殿前に整列し、水ごりに向う。 |
are naked wearing only Fundoshi loincloth, a white hood, straw sandals and bite a small white cloth called Tojo. Inari (second person from the right) has a pail for their ablution. They are going to go to the place where they purify
themselves with heroic sound of Japanese
drums called 'Omanishi Kugita'.
拝殿前に整列した行修者 18:40
Gyosyusya (ascetics)
line up in front of the Haiden 18:40

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いよいよこれから第186回寒中みそぎが始まる。この日の気温は−5度、時折雪が舞い落ちる底冷えのする夜であった。 |
From now,
The 186th Kanchu Misogi the
Ablution is starting.
It was -5 degrees. It snowed occasionally in a cold winter night.
みそぎ斎場へ向かう行修者 18:55
heading to Misogi Saijo the site where the ablution is performed

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今年最初の水ごりを前に足場をならす行修者 18:42
Gyoushusha preparing the ablution 18:42

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Betto (the man sitting on the floor) is waiting for the first ablution in this year. 18:42

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今年最初の一撃を前に貫禄の表情を見せる別当。最初に別当が、そして稲荷、山の神、弁財天と続いて水ごりを行っていく。 |
Now a very strict training begins. Betto has a face set with determination to go through this strict training. Betto does it first. Next Inari follows. Then Ooyamzumi-no-Kami and Benzaiten follow.
かんみそぎ しぶきにしむる しろふどし |
Midwinter ablutions, the
loincloth being frozen by the splash. |
Betto 18:42

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行修者たちが口にくわえている白い布は、吐錠(とじょう)と呼ばれる。水垢離中に震えが来て舌を噛む恐れがあり、それを防ぐためである。 |
A small white cloth that they are bitting is called a Tojo. It is to prevent cutting their tongue when they shiver during the purification.
Purifing Inari 18:43

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They say, when cold water is thrown on their back, they feel a shock similar to when a log hits you.
山の神の水垢離 18:43
Ooyamzumi-no-Kami 18:43

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▼ 行修者として初めて水ごりを経験する弁財天、表情から緊張していることが伺われる。
For the first time becoming
Benzaiten, he seemed to be nervous being purified.
弁財天の水垢離 18:44
Purifing Benzaiten 18:44

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最初の水ごりを終え拝殿へ向かう行修者 18:44
Gyoushusha once again go to the Haiden after the first-round ablution.

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最初の水垢離を終え弁財天にアドバイスをする先輩行修者。水垢離の最中にも「力を抜け」という声かけが盛んに行われていた。身体に力が入っていると震えが止まらなくなるという。 |
Seniors often
said "Take it easy,
relax!" to Benzaiten during the
ablution. It is said that a
shivering does not stop when he
puts unnecessary strain on
弁財天にアドバイスをする先輩 18:44
A senior gives advice to Benzaiten 18:44

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行修者4人は別当を先頭に水ごりが一巡する毎に拝殿まで行き、またみそぎ斎場へと戻って来る。これを通常2〜4回行った後、拝殿内に入り休息することを許される。拝殿とみそぎ斎場行く行修者の歩みは遅く、厳寒期の夜間に見ているほうが辛くなる。 |
The four ascetics go to the Haiden every time after their ablution. But they can't go into the Haiden. They are allowed to rest in the Haiden after they carried out the
penance for several rounds. It is hard for us to see that they walk at a snail's pace between Misogi Saijo and the Haiden
in the night of cold winter season.
拝殿前から折り返してくる行修者 18:47
Ascetics turn back in front of the Haiden. 18:47

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A second-round
ablution for Benzaiten 18:51

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3度目の水垢離の最後に一人頭から水をかぶる別当 18:58
Betto pours vigorously cold water on
his head at the end of the third-round ablution. 18:58

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Betto lights a candle at the divine altar of the Haiden. 19:00

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神殿にて無事に水ごりを終えたことを報告する行修者。行修者の肌が赤くなっている。 19:01
They report to Kami that they safely finished the
ablution.Their skin turns red. 19:01

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Betto wears a towel with an expression of relief.

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▼ 炉辺で暖をとりながら、先輩行修者からアドバイスを受ける。
They get advice from seniors while they are
keeping warm in the fireside.
They talk with seniors. 19:26

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▼ 拝殿内で10分ほど暖をとっただけでこの日4度目の水ごりへ向かった。
They went to a fourth-round purification after only 10 minutes of rest.
Benzaiten is heading a fourth-round purification. 19:35

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The audience is absent around this time. After this it is right time for their ascetic training.
They strengthen their body and mind by doing the
ablution every about 2 hours day and night to prepare for
January 15.
4度目の水ごり 耐える稲荷 19:55
A fourth-round
ablution for Inari. 19:55

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