拝殿内で整列する行修者 09:37
Ascetics stand in line in the Haiden 09:37

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出御祭を前に囲炉裏を囲んで先輩と談笑する行修者たち 09:47
Ascetics have a pleasant chat with seniors at the open
hearth before starting Ceremony. 09:47

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▼ 行修者たちは、佐女川神社拝殿に集まった関係者一同が見守る前で神前に向かい、海中みそぎに出発する報告と行修者の無事を祈願した。 |
The ascetics surrounded by the people involved
who gathered in the Haiden reported to Kami to start to the sea and prayed for doing the purification in the sea safely.
玉串を奉奠し、祈りを捧げる行修者 10:18
offered a branch of the sacred tree and prayed for safety of purification in the sea. 10:18

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出御祭の最後に、野村広章宮司は、吐錠(とじょう)をくわえ、ご神体を行修者へ手渡した。両者とも吐錠をくわえているのは、ご神体に息がかからないようにするためである。 |
At the end of the ceremony, Chief priest
Hiroaki Nomura delivered four sacred bodies of the deity by hand to
four ascetics. They both bite the Tojo
the small cloth so that it keeps them from blowing onto the sacred body of the deity.
ご神体を行修者へ手渡す野村宮司 10:27
Chief priest Nomura
delivering the sacred body of the deity by hand to ascetic

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▼午前10時半、ご神体を抱えた行修者たちは、拝殿前に整列した後、別当を先頭に一列縦隊となってみそぎ浜に向かって出発した。気温は−7度、寒中みそぎを祝うかのように朝方に降っていた雪も止み、良い天気となった。 |
After standing in line in front of the shrine at 10:30, Gyoushusha the ascetics with the sacred body of the deity in hands, started to Misogi Beach walking in single file headed by Betto in sunny mornig. The temperature was -7 degrees. The snow fell in the early morning but now it has stopped as if celebrating the Midwinter Ablution Festival.
みそぎ浜に向かって石段を下る行修者たち 10:32
the ascetics going down the stone steps to Misogi Beach 10:32

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みそぎ行列は、杖を持ち雪下駄を履いた氏子役員を先頭に佐女川神社を出発し、みそぎ浜に向かった。 |
The Misogi Procession left Samegawa Shrine bound for Misogi beach. The shrine parishioners taking Japanese clogs for snow season
and a stick in hand led the
神社を出発するみそぎ行列 10:36
Procession leaving the shrine 10:36

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▼ 雪下駄を履いた別当など行修者たちは、先輩たちに守られながら、ご神体を抱えて佐女川神社を出発した。
and other ascetics taking Japanese clogs for snow season left Samegawa Shrine holding the sacred body of the deity,
while being protected by seniors.
Betto leaving the shrine 10:38

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みそぎ浜までの圧雪道路は、滑りやすく、行修者たちは両手が使えないため、かつて行修者を経験した先輩たちが両側から行修者たちを支えている。 |
compacted snow road to Misogi Beach is very slippery and Ascetics can not use their hands for protection so that seniors
once experienced ascetics are holding them
for safety.
Ascetics walk being
assisted by Seniors 10:38

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往路は、木古内町の中心部を東側回りにみそぎ浜へ向かう。所々で地元住民が行列を出迎え、お賽銭をあげ、獅子に頭をかじってもらって御利益(ごりやく)を受けていた。 |
Here and there local residents greet the procession and offer money to Kami. And their heads are being bitten by a Shishi (a mask with the image of a lion). It is said that the biting of a Shishi brings good fortune to the person.
Local residents greeting Misogi Procession 10:41

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Map of Midwinter Ablution Festival in 2016

行修者一行は町の中心部の東側を回りみそぎ浜へ向かう 10:56
Ascetics going to the beach via the east side of the
town 10:56

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行列を迎えるかわいい町民 11:08
Cute townspeople greet the procession 11:08

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浜に響く勇壮なみそぎ太鼓 11:39
Heroic Misogi Drums sounding at
the beach 11:39

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氏子役員が清めの塩を撒くなか、4人の行修者は、別当を先頭にみそぎ浜に入った。日本では、塩が清める力を持つと信じられている。 |
Betto the leader of four ascetics goes ahead into the Misogi Beach. A Shinto parishioner sprinkles salt on their way. Salt is believed to have purifying powers in Japan.
海中みそぎ開始 11:46
in the sea begins 11:46

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みそぎ浜に整列した行修者 11:47
standing in line at Misogi Beach 11:47

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別当の掛け声と共に勢いよく海に向かう行修者 11:47
dashing to the sea at the signal of Betto's shout 11:47

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rushing into the sea

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Entering in the sea at air temperature -7
degrees centigrade, sea water temperature 7 degrees centigrade

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swimming to the offing with the sacred bodies of deities

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波打ち際から約10m進んだところで反転 11:48
Ascetics reversing
their course when they reached ahead about 10m from the water's edge 11:48

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Ascetics forming a circle holding the sacred bodies of
deities 11:50

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Each ascetics set sacred body of the deity
afloat in the sea so that purified the body
sprinkling sea water with both
hands dozens of times.
かみがみと みそぐうなばら ゆきふどし |
Snowy loincloths, ablution with various deities at sea. |
Ascetics purifying the sacred bodies of
deities 11:50

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▼ 別当は御神体のみそぎが終わると、砂浜に上がって先輩から注連縄を受け取り、一人で沖へ泳いで行き、「これで今年のみそぎ祭を無事に納めさせていただきます。」と述べた後、沖に向かって注連縄を放ち、柏手(かしわで)を打った。
After they finished purifying the sacred bodies, Betto went to the beach so that received the sacred rice-straw rope from a senior. He swam alone to the offing so that threw the sacred rope toward offing saying "the purification in the sea will end here". Then he claps hands.
Betto throwing a sacred rice-straw rope toward the offing 11:51

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▼ 最後に、行修者たちは、沖に向かって柏手を打ち、一年の豊漁・豊作・繁栄を祈願して、ご神体の海中みそぎを終えた。
At last, ascetics prayed toward offing for a big catch, a good harvest and national prosperity
in this year clasping hands so that they finished the purification of sacred bodies of the deity in the sea.
一年の豊漁・豊作・繁栄を祈願する行修者 11:53
Ascetics praying for a big catch, a good harvest and national prosperity 11:53

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