Inari Shrine built near the main hall of Samegawa Shrine

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任務を完遂したことを神に報告する行修者たち 14:05
Ascetics reporting to Kami that they finished all their tasks safely 14:05

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みそぎ斎場で最後のみそぎを終えたご神体は、先輩行修者によって拝殿に運ばれ、新しい衣装が着せられて安置された。 |
The sacred bodies of the deities finished the last purification at Misogi Saijo and they were
brought to the main hall of the shrine by senior ascetics so that the bodies were changed to new clothes and enshrined at the
divine altar of the shrine.
A senior
ascetics taking care of the sacred bodies of the deites 14:07

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Ascetics having a pleasant chat after accomplishment of the task 14:08

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Main Festival was taken place after all people involved gathered in the
main hall of the shrine. The chief priest formally
reported to Kami that all their events finished safely.
Ceremony of reporting the finish of Misogi to Kami 14:34

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四年間無事に役目を果たした高橋別当に対し、野村宮司から感謝状が手渡されると、満場の拍手がわき上がった。 |
chief priest Nomura offered a letter of appreciation to Mr. Takahashi Betto so that there was big applause for his service who performed as a
ascetic for four years.
chief priest offering a letter of appreciation to Mr. Takahashi 15:09

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▼ 祭りの最後に松前神楽が奉納された。榊舞は、松前神楽の冒頭に宮司によって舞われるもので、左手に御幣、右手に鈴を持ち、前後左右に優雅なステップを踏む。神楽は、本殿や拝殿を含む玉垣の内部で神職たちが罪汚れを祓う日々の祭事を象徴するもの。御幣は祭壇に置かれている。
Matsumae Kagura
(Shinto Music & Dance) were dedicated to Kami in closing of the festival. Sakaki Mai is the first of many dances of the Matsumae Kagura performed by the chief priest of the shrine. Holding a Gohei (sacred wand used to expel impurities and sin) in his left hand and a bell in his right hand, the priest steps forward and back, right and left in quiet steps. This dance is highly regarded for its elegance. The dance symbolized the daily ritual performed by the priest inside the Tamagaki (sacred fence enclosing the oratory and the main hall of a shinto shrine) each morning and evening to cleanse impurities and sin. Gohei are offered at the divine altar.
Matsumae Kagura (Shinto Music & Dance) 'Sakaki Mai (Sacred Wand Dance)' 15:15

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▼ 神職は、両手に御幣を持ち、四方八方に向かってお辞儀をしながら罪汚れを祓う。福田舞は、干ばつや台風、洪水、虫害などを駆逐し、豊作を祈願する神楽である。
The priest bows in each direction and to each corner of the room holding a Gohei in each hand to clean the impurities and sin. This dance represents the prayers for a bountiful harvest by dancing away drought, typhoons, floods, and harmful insects.
Fukuda Mai (Bountiful Harvest Dance) 15:18

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▼ 鈴上舞は、通常は、10歳以下の巫女が鈴と扇を持って舞うもので、神楽の中では最も優雅な舞である。舞の中でたびたび鈴を上下するので「鈴上げ」といい、天女が天降るさまを表しているという。
Young girls under 10 years of age perform this dance with bells and fans in their hands. The dance received its name because of their frequent hand raising actions and represents the Divine Maiden coming to earth from the heavens. Renowned as the most elegant dance of the Shinto
優雅な「鈴上舞」 15:21
Suzu Age Mai (Bell Raising Dance) 15:21

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▼ 四方の天井に十文字の縄を張り、中央の交点を釣り上げて紙垂(しで)を垂らす。先ず白扇で四方と中央を祓い、のちに真剣をもってこの注連縄(しめなわ)を切り払う。これは悪魔退散、国土安穏、千秋万才を祝福した舞で、斎主の舞である。このときに切られた紙垂は安産、火難除のお守りとされている。
Paper ribbons are hung from cords which are connected to the ceiling at the point of crossing. With a white folding fan, the priest purifies the area by waving the fan in each direction and lastly to the center. The priest then cuts the paper ribbons with a sword to expel evil spirits and celebrate the tranquil land and the four seasons. The cut paper ribbons are considered to be virtuous for bearing healthy children and they can be used as a means of safety from fires.
しんけんの まつまえかぐら かみのうた |
A true sword of Matsumae kagura, the song of deities. |
真剣を使った宮司の「注連払舞 / 七五三払舞」 15:29
Shime-harai Mai (Purification Dance) by chief
priest using a true sward 15:29

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▼ 悪霊を退散させ、平和と幸福、そして繁栄をもたらす獅子舞を最後に、第186回寒中みそぎ祭りの全ての予定行事が無事に終わった。皆さん、お疲れ様でした!
Shishi Mai the Lion Dance is the dance
which is performed to expel
evil spirits, wish for world peace, perfect happiness and
prosperity. After the Lion Dance, all events of the 186th
Midwinter Ablution Festival ended safely. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your hard work.
松前神楽の「獅子舞」 15:47
Shishi Mai
the Lion Dance 15:47

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Photo & Original Author
撮影・原作:上平 明
(かみひら あきら)
Home: Hakodate city, Hokkaido |
趣味:パソコン(インターネット)、温泉巡り、スキー |
おわりに Afterword |
彼らは、みそぎ祭りの苦行を通じて人間として立派に成長している。寒中みそぎは本当に寒くて辛いことだが、彼らが平然と行っている姿を見て感動するのは、私だけではないだろう。この伝統の祭りがこれからもずっと続けられることを願っている。 |
I couldn’t take photos of
Kanchu Misogi Matsuri the Midwinter Ablution Festival last year. This year I was able to enjoy the
Festival for three days.
Mr.Takahashi played the role of Betto this year because he has served as
Ascetic for four years. I saw him for the first time in two years and he appeared to be confident and full of dignity as
Ascetic. It takes four years to become strong enough to play the role of
They can also grow splendidly as a human being through this
difficult practices. Just by looking at the purification in the depth of the winter makes us feel the cold even more. Many visitors including me were impressed with the figure of the youth who had performed it in a nonchalant attitude. I really hope that
this traditional
Festival will be continued in the future. |
● 北海道新幹線が2016年3月26日に開業する。木古内は、海底の青函トンネルを通り抜けた列車が北海道に最初に停車する駅である。本州からやってくる多くの観光客にぜひ寒中みそぎ祭りをご覧いただきたい。
毎年、外国人観光客が多数函館を訪れるが、2016年は、新記録となる約30隻の旅客船が外国から函館に入港予定である。函館善意通訳会 HGGA
外国人観光客に日本の伝統文化を理解してもらうため、この作品がその一助となれば幸いである。そして寒中みそぎ祭りを見学するために多くの外国人が木古内を訪問していただくよう願っている。 |
The Hokkaido Shinkansen Line is going to start business on March 26, 2016. Kikonai is the first stop in Hokkaido after going through the Seikan Tunnel (undersea
tunnel) so that I hope a lot of visitors from Honshu direction come to see
Kanchu Misogi Matsuri.
Many foreigners including passengers on cruise ships come to Hakodate as tourists every year. Just for the record, the number of the cruise ships scheduled to arrive at the port of Hakkodate is about 30 in 2016.
Members of Hakodate Goodwill Guide Association
(HGGA) travel as volunteer workers together with foreign tourists who need the assistance to visit the Southern Hokkaido. I
know that many foreigners have an interest in traditional Japanese culture since I have
been working as a member of HGGA. Therefore I want to introduce
Kanchu Misogi Matsuri to foreigners so that I made Japanese English bilingual version of this
naked festival on this website.
HGGA http://www.hakodategoodwill.com/
I hope this work would be useful for foreigners to understand traditional Japanese culture. Also I greatly hope many foreigners
visit Kikonai town to see Kanchu Misogi
Matsuri. |
謝辞 Acknowledgment
● 文末ではありますが、佐女川神社野村広章宮司様はじめ、「寒中みそぎ祭り」を支えておられる皆様方のご協力を得て、この作品が完結したことを心から御礼申し上げます。 |
Although it is in the end of
a sentence, I sincerely appreciate the cooperation of the chief priest Nomura and the people involved. I was able to complete this work with their help and cooperation. |
★☆★彡 |
感動写真集〈 第215集 〉/日本の裸祭り〈第206集/104種〉「寒中みそぎ祭り'16」 |
No.215 Moving Photo Album, No.206 Japanese Naked Festival
撮影・原作:上平 明
監修:和田義男 |
Photo & Original
Author :
Akira Kamihira
Editor : Yoshio Wada |
作品:第5作 画像:116(大108+小8) 頁数:5
ファイル数:220 ファイル容量:79MB
平成12年(2000)〜平成28年(2016) 作品数:504 頁数:2,056 ファイル数:94,679 ファイル容量:20,603MB |
高橋駿別当と上平明 2016.01.15 09:32
Takahashi the Betto and Akira Kamihira January 15, 2016

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本日、感動写真集第4代同人上平明さんの第9作、平成12年(2000)7月16日以来通算第504作となる「寒中みそぎ祭'16」が5頁116枚の感動大作として完成した。 |
Today, I completed 'Midwinter Ablution Festival 2016' the 9th work of Mr. Akira kamihira the fourth coterie of Moving Photo Albums of Wada Photo Gallery. This is a
wonderful photo album having 116 cuts in 5 pages and my 504th work since opening of Wada Photo Gallery on July 16, 2000. |
今年、第186回寒中みそぎ祭りの取材のため、木古内町へ4度目となる訪問を果たした上平さんは、待望の北海道新幹線が2016年3月26日に開業するのを記念して日英バイリンガルの作品を完成させた。 |
これは、函館善意通訳会でボランティア活動を続けておられる上平さんらしい行動力で、敬服している。そのお陰で、504作目にして初めて完全な日英バイリンガル作品が完成した。彼の期待通り、多くの外国人観光客が木古内町を来訪してくれることを祈念している。〈 完 〉 |
Mr. Kamihira who visited Kikonai town for the forth time to take photos of 186th Midwinter Ablution Festival completed this Japanese English Bilingual Photo Album to celebrate the opening
of Hokkaido Shinkansen line on March 26, 2016. |
This is really characteristic of Mr. kamihira who has been working as a volunteer member of
Hakodate Goodwill Guide Association
so that I
completely admire him. Thanks to him, I was able to make perfect bilingual work
of the 504th album for the first
time since the establishment of Wada Photo Gallery 16 years ago. I hope many foreign tourists will vist Kikonai town as expected from him.
-The End- March
15, 2016
Edit by Yoshio
Wada |
かんごりや よにんぎょうじゃの こんのしろ |
Winter ablution, white of the loincloths of four ascetics. |
【編集子が選ぶ名作】 名作アニメーション Best album (animation) |

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